Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Can Blog Zine.

Hey all,

okay so I know Canzine was few weeks ago, BUT I've been out of town (at the happiest place on earth!)...so do you could do me a solid, and pretend like this just happened last weekend? okay? Cool!

*time travel sound effect*
WOW, whatta weekend! Bro-ad trip, Birthday, Concert and Canzine, oh my! I was lucky enough to have my Birthday and Canzine fall on the same weekend, and also lucky for me, I had two awesome bros who were willing to take a Road-trip down (bros + road trip = bro-ad trip).

This year was great! I had the pleasure of sharing a table with Tessar and Peter.... People would show up and feed us delicious treats! (it sounds awkward, but it was delicious). Something new about this year was that the fine folks at Brokenpencil decided to throw us a little pre-Canzine party, where we had the chance to meet some of our fellow exhibitors, talk shop, drink and be merry! Thanks BP! I had a few new products available this year, including two new zines, buttons, prints, postcards, catalogs and a few other goodies.
Friends from far and wide came out. Look at Ryan, look how happy he looks!

Here's a shot of the table i took with my old cell (r.i.p. bb).
 Here are some of my zines that were available. If you're interested in getting a copy, they'll be available on my store very soon, so stay tuned.
Part of my sweet score from this year.
Part deux of my sweet score.
Some of Brittany, Vicki and Phil's sweet zines!
This is Brittany. She is VERY excited about Movember.
This photo has a little treasure hidden away, can you spot it??
We decide to hit up Poutini's Queen afterwards for a very, very satisfying meal. 
Om nom nom.

Thanks so much to everyone that came out and picked up a print or a zine. Here are some photos that Peter took from the day. And if you want to see more photos from Canzine or my trip to Toronto feel free to visit my flickr page. See you guys next year! 


Jeannie said...

We need to meet up on a non-Canzine date! Be merry and drink our woes away with some great cider or something.

Chanp said...

it was goood times